Evan Tey

Technical Associate @
TESS < Kavli < MIT

Hi! I’m Evan, and I’m an engineer & researcher for TESS. Right now, I’m probably…

  • πŸ”­ searching for exoplanets
  • ⚽ playing soccer with my housemates / neighbors
  • πŸ› making / eating copious amounts of food

I really enjoy receiving random emails, so this is an open invitation to email me at:

tey [at] mit [dot] edu


🌟 spectra analyzer

Unsupervised generative models for stellar spectra.

πŸ•ΈοΈ espider

The bones for a new ESP website / a practicum in full stack development and making difficult design decisions.

πŸƒ pro set

A live multiplayer card game much like Set.

πŸ˜• consensus

A live classroom tool for keeping students and teachers in sync by tracking student confusion.

🀐 cipher solver

A substitution cipher solver based on bigram likelihood with MCMC.

πŸ“ƒ resume builder

A modular LaTeX resume builder for quickly making custom resumes for different opportunities.

πŸ”­ vrt

A telescope with a VR mode for use on cloudy nights.

πŸ“· 3d scanner

Most of a 3D scanner using a camera, laser, and FPGA.

🐫 align

A haptic feedback system to help correct back posture with flex sensors.
